Rule of CO TU LENH ( New version with additional parts)

Submitted by haiduong on Fri, 02/16/2018 - 16:24

Cờ tư lệnh,phiên bản tiếng Anh nâng cao dùng cho cả online

Cờ tư lệnh,phiên bản tiếng Anh nâng cao dùng cho cả online

Cờ tư lệnh (tieng Anh) phien bản mới

Rule of CO TU LENH

published by haiduong | 0 comment

Rule of CO TU LENH (New version with additional parts)

Luật chơi   CỜ TƯ LỆNH (Phiên bản mới có bổ sung)

CO TU LENH (Vietnamese commander chess)

  1. Goal of the game

The game is played between 2 people, RED and BLUE. Each person will find his/her own tactic in order to defeat the opponent’s Commander or the opponent’s tactic

  1. Commander Chessboard structure

Chess is two-player board game played on a square checkered board with pieces moving by column and row. It is numbered from 0 to 11 vertical axis (VA),  and from 0 to 10 horizontal axis (HA) VA (row)

How to read coordinates, reading number at the VA first then the number at the HA. For example: point 3,5 (read three five); point 0,0 (read zero zero), point 0,7, point  0,10, point 11,10, point 11,0, point 8,4

See Figure

hinh 1

Unlike Chinese Chessboard , Commander Chessboard has Sea area and River area.

River separates two fronts. There are two dry river segments bedded with reef-base. All pieces are permitted to pass the reef-base.


There are 11 different piece types in a Commander Chess game with 38 pieces in total: 19 Red pieces, 19 Blue pieces.

There is a piece called commanding headquarter just standing still to function as a barrier. It can’t move, attack or capture the opponent’s pieces.

Symbol and quantity of 11 piece types are shown in Figure 3 as below:


How to stack the pieces

ban co 3

  1. Rules:
  2. Move and capture

– Engineer, infantry, anti-aircraft gun, long-haired militia move and capture straight in coordinates at a distance of 1 step (10 points) (Forward, back, across along the axis.) These pieces can also stand still and capture an opponent’s piece at sea with a leap.  It is possible to cross the sea onto a ship or from a landing craft to land. In particular, the “long hair” can move and capture in diagonal 45 degrees

– Tank moves and captures straight and across along the axis from 1 to 2 steps (20 points) For attacking an opponent’s piece at sea, tank can stand still to capture the object and it is not necessary to occupy the position of captured piece. It is possible to cross the sea onto a ship or from a landing craft to land.

– In addition to moving and capturing straight vertically and horizontally, a ground artillery can move and capture diagonal 45 degrees  from one to three steps  Cannon can stand still to shoot and capture opponent’s pieces at sea in the range from one to three steps.  When artillery captures an opponent’s piece on the sea, it is not necessary to occupy the position of captured piece. It is captured through the blockade.

– Anti-aircraft missiles move and capture opponent’s piece both on the ground and in the sky in a two-steps radial belt. It moves and captures straight:2 steps, diagonal 1 step

– Aircraft moves and captures straight, cross diagonal 45 degrees from 1 to 4 steps. Aircraft can fly across the blockage and stop to capture an opponent’s piece then choose to occupy the position of captured piece or bomb then fly back to initial position at the airport to avoid being captured  An aircraft captures another opponent’s aircraft, it has to occupy the position of captured piece. An aircraft inadvertently flying through the fire range of the the anti-aircraft force will be burnt. If an aircraft targets at destroying the opponent’s anti-aircraft missile, both will be destroyed, that is 1 exchange 1.

– On the ship there are navy missile, navy artillery, anti-aircraft gun. The range of artillery  on the warship is like artillery on the ground  Warship (navy) moves and captures straight, cross diagonal from 1 to 4 steps on the sea and along the coast. Object of anti-ship missile is  opponent’s warship only. When an anti-ship missile captures a warship, it has to occupy the position of captured piece.    Anti-aircraft gun creates a prohibited airspace with a radius of one step horizontally

Navy artillery can stand still to shoot and capture object in mainland. But if capturing an opponent’s piece along the coast, it has to occupy the position of captured piece. Warship can move into the deep-water river segment only.

Figure. Move and Capture

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  1. River crossing rules

– River has two reef-base segments (see Figure 2), all pieces can pass.

– Besides the two reef-based segments, the rest of the river is the deep water segment; tanks, infantries, “long hair”, commanders and  engineers can pass. When crossing the deep water segment, heavy vehicles such as anti-aircraft cannon, artillery and anti-aircraft missile must be transported from side to side to the other side by engineer

. However, these heavy vehicles can pass the river without any engineer when capturing an opponent’s piece at the other side of the river. A heavy vehicle accidentally maneuver through the deep water without the purpose of capturing an opponent’s piece at the other side of the river, this move is considered against the rule, as a result, the piece has to move back and the second player will take turn.

  1. Headquarters rules

– On the chessboard, each side has two pieces with bunker shape logo. They form the headquarters of the commander.

– Headquarters can’t move or capture an opponent’s piece, they are used to protect the commander.

– Opponent’s piece can break the headquarter to kill the commander. ( 10 points)

Only the commander is allowed enter to the headquarters (Place the chess piece on top)

  1. Prohibited zone in the sky (fire range of anti-aircraft force)

– Anti-aircraft cannon can create a restricted area in a circle shape in the sky with radius equal one step. (Small circle as shown in Figure 6).

– Anti-aircraft missile can create a restricted area in a circle shape with radius equal to two steps (big circle). At diagonal angle of 45 degrees, fire range is effective within one step range only.

If an aircraft wants to bombard targets deep inside the opponent, commander must find strategy to destroy anti-aircraft force  . Goal number one is anti-aircraft missile. An aircraft inadvertently flying through the fire range of the the anti-aircraft force will be burnt.

If an aircraft intends to bombard opponent’s anti-aircraft force or other targets in the forbidden zone, it is sacrificed as one exchange one

Figure . Restricted area in the sky

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  1. Rules for Commander

– Commander is allowed to move around, even move to the opposite front to direct its soldiers and checkmate the opponent’s commander.

– Commander can’t be face to face with the opponent’s commander. It will be captured by the opponent’s commander if revealed. Allowed through the opponent’s commander when hide in tank, aircraft or warship.

– Commander can move freely along VA and HA without restriction as long as there isn’t any obstacle, but not allowed to move diagonal and can only capture by 1 step

Allowed to enter the headquarters

Allowed to board tanks, warships, aircraft

  1. Heroic piece rule

Any piece gains checkmate the opponent’s commander will be honor as heroic piece. This heroic piece will get added one step (10 points more). For example, infantry often moves and captures by one step only but after being honor as heroic it can move and capture from one to two steps. Normally, tank move and capture from one or two steps but a heroic tank can move and capture up to three segments. … Certainly, a heroic piece can move cross diagonal line of 45degrees .A heroic aircraft will become a stealth aircraft; it can shoot anti-aircraft cannon and anti-aircraft missile without crashing.

For defending party, the last piece that protects its commander can enjoy the heroic regulation also;

  1. Rule in place to capture troops

– All the troops on land can stand still to shoot and capture piece on the sea .

Navy artillery can stand still to shoot and capture object in mainland. But if capturing an opponent’s piece along the coast, it has to occupy the position of captured piece.

In the mainland, there was only one case of standing on the spot for the military aircraft called bombs.

           8. Coastline rules

When moving along the coast the pieces on the land are unobstructedt by the warships because they are under the water, contrary when moving along the coast the warships are unobstructed by the pieces on the land. Note: pieces on land and warships must not stand at the same coordinates

  1. 9. Rules go together

An excellent feature in Commander Chess is pieces can carry other pieces, and this rule has never had in other chess game before. For example, militia troops can only take one step but when they need to speed up, military tanks can carry them, so they can take two steps instead of one. Army tanks can only take two steps but when they need to speed up, they can be carried by military aircraft to take four steps. Military aircraft, military commanders, infantry can speed up by letting warships carry them. At this moment, warships become carriers.

Commander, infantry, militia, is allowed go up tank, aircraft and warship

Commander, infantry, militia and tank is allowed go up air aircraft

Commander, infantry, militia, tank and aircraft is allowed go up aircraft

When the back are carrying two other piece (maximum), the next step it is allowed to move and capture three different directions

Anti-aircraft gun, anti-aircraft missile and artillery is’nt allowed go up tank, aircraft and warship, but when pass river they are allowed go up engineer

3 huong

10.Score rules

If playing based on score rule, the basis for score calculation is as follows:

Engineer, infantry, anti-aircraft cannon, long hair militiawoman: 10 points.

Tanks, anti-aircraft missile: 20 points.

Artillery: 30 points. Aircraft: 40 points.

Warship equipped with missile, anti-aircraft cannon and artillery 80 points ( anti-aircraft cannon 10 points + artillery 30 points + anti-warship missile 40 points)

  1. How to record moving tactic when playing online

Sometimes, it is necessary to take note moving tactic of the two players to study the excellent tactics or find out the reason for losing.

A secretary can provide evidences to support the referee by taking note the moving process of the two players from the beginning to the end. A player can remember and write down the ecstatic moving tactics to find tactics for the following game.

Some simple, easy to remember symbols:

– Capture:                @

– Stand still and capture      @  K…@… (Blue air force stands still and capture like bombarding)

@ H…@…(Red Navy stands still and shoots towards mainland)

– Aircraft catch fire    @” (bold red) for example: K9,8@”P5,8 (K9, 8 intends to capture P5, 8 but crash into a fire range)

– Move                    _    (long dash underline)

– Check                   >

– Checkmate               ^  (Not only checkmate the commander, but also sea battle and sky battle….)

– One exchange one  > <

– Lose                       !!

– Heroic piece brevetting       H    K    B  (bold symbol)

– Excellent moving tactic         +   – Ecstatically excellent moving tactic  ++

– Bad moving tactic    –     – Too bad moving tactic    –

– Draw                        =

– Wondering moving tactic         ?

– Break rule moving             $

  1. How the game ends
  2. Standard battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game ends immediately when one side has lost either of the following:

o          2 Airforce

o          2 Navy

o          2 Infantry + 2 Tanks + 2 Artillery

o          Commander

After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points.  Winning by one of the strategy will be awarded 100 points.

  1. Sea battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost 2 Navy, even if Commander is captured. After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

  1. Air battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost 2 Airforce, even if Commander is captured. After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

  1. Surprise battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost the Commander.  After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

  1. Full battle – maximum 30 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost the Commander.  After 30 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

  1. Advanced battle

Players can set up their pieces’ positions freely up to their own strategy. Play according to one of the battle style above.