One tactic for the an air force to checkmate the commander

Submitted by haiduong on Sat, 04/26/2014 - 08:46

One tactic for the an air force to checkmate the commander

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The Blue Missile at Ms9,6 moves to 10,6 bringing the fire net. The militia at M7,6 is not protected.


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The Red Air force KAf3,6 defeats the Blue Militia M7,6 and then checkmates the Blue Commander C11,6.The Red Air force becomes invisible.

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The Blue Commander runs away. The Red Air Force beats the Blue Missile.

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The invisible air craft Af7,6 defeats the Blue Missile Ms10,6 and then checkmates the Blue Commaner C11,5


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The Blue Commander moves from 11,5 to 11,2. The Red Air Force beats the Blue MissileMs10,6

The Red Air Force Af 10,6 checkmates the Blue Commander and  defeats the Blue TanksT10,4