Rule of CO TU LENH (New version with additional parts)

Submitted by haiduong on Sun, 08/26/2012 - 08:19

Rule of CO TU LENH (New version with additional parts)

Luật chơi   CỜ TƯ LỆNH (Phiên bản mới có bổ sung)


       I. Goal of the game
The game is played between 2 people, RED and BLUE. Each person will find his/her own strategy in order to defeat the opponent’s Commander or the opponent’s stragety.
This game brings entertainment to both young and older players, especially the military forces. Not only that, it allows them to further develop their skill set in making strategies, decisions and to improve their military’s abilities overall.
     II. Commander Chessboard structure

Chess is two-player board game played on a square checkered board with pieces moving by column and row.  Commander Chess is also a two-player board game played on a chessboard with pieces move by vertical axis (VA) and horizontal axis (HA). VA (row) is numbered from 0 to 10 as rule of decimal base with the origin of axes is numbered 0 and the bottom left corner of the chessboard is the area of Red set. (See Figure)   

Each intersegment has particular name in accordance with the reading rule: reading number at the VA first then the number at the HA. For example: point 3,5 (read three five); point 0,0 (read zero zero), point 0,7, point  0,10, point 11,10, point 11,0, point 8,4. See Figure 2

co tu lenh bai 2

Horizontal lines: 3,4 - 3,7; Horizontal lines 2,4 - 2,9 ;       Horizontal line 11,1 - 11,4

Vertical lines: 3,1 - 7,1  450 diagonal lines: 10.4 – 7,7    Conclude:

- Move forward or back: the number after the comma is the same. For example: 3,1 – 7,1

- Move across: the number before the comma is the same. For example 3,4 – 3,7

- Move cross: both the numbers before and after the comma are different. For example 10,4 - 7, See Figure 3

co tu lenh bai 2

Unlike China Chessboard and Chessboard, Commander Chessboard has Sea area and River area.  

River separates two fronts. There are two dry river segments bedded with reef-base. All pieces are permitted to pass the reef-base.


There are 11 different piece types in a Commander Chess game with 38 pieces in total divided into two equal sets with 19 pieces in each Red and Blue set. Certainly, name, symbol and play rule of the two sets are the same.

In each set, there is a piece called commanding headquarter just standing still to function as a barrier. It can’t move, attack or capture the opponent's pieces.  

There are 2 piece shapes: The round piece shape is printed with symbol of the arms. The block piece shape like the piece shape of Chess game; however, pieces are printed and casted with particular images such as: tanks, artilleries, missiles etc…like charming red and green statues in order to attract teen players.

Symbol and quantity of 11 piece types are shown in Figure 3 as below:

What are the main differences between Chinese Chess, Chess and Commander Chess?

         A Chess game has king, queen, bishop, rook, knight to be the defenders. A Commander Chess game has modern military troops such as: tanks, artilleries, infantries, military civil engineers, warships, aircrafts, anti-aircraft cannons, missiles and long-hair militiawomen etc...      

What causes the differences?

- In the past, citadel attack is most common tactic. Nowadays, battlefield is vast with various fields such as fields in the sky, on the sea, and in the mainland. In case of war happened, there would be a full power fighting with the combination of big-sized arms. Therefore, a Commander Chess set shows the current epoch and playing the game is the way to cultivate the national defense.

- In a Chinese Chess game, King stands still; minister also moves around the palace to protect the throne of its king. In a Commander Game, the commander not only sits in the headquarters cellar but if necessary, it also moves to battlefield to direct its soldier for the victory.

- Commander Chess also has anti-aircraft missiles to capture pieces on the ground and in the sky as well as warships equipped with anti-missile system to participate in seabattle. 


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 Tư lệnh    

Description: tu lenh do                    Description: Untitled-8 - Copy


Bộ binh      B

Description: bo binh 2 do     Description: bo binh 2 do     Description: bo binh 2 xanh     Description: bo binh 2 xanh 


Xe tăng       T

Description: d-2 - Copy - Copy1 - Copy - Copy     Description: d-2 - Copy - Copy1 - Copy - Copy     Description: d-2 - Copy - Copy1 - Copy     Description: d-2 - Copy - Copy1 - Copy 


Dân quân    D

        Description: dan quan x - Copy - Copy                     Description: dan quan x     


Công binh  C

      Description: công binh - Copy (2)      Description: công binh - Copy (2)     Description: công binh 2 xanh- Copy (2)     Description: công binh 2 xanh- Copy (2) 


Pháo binh   P

     Description: d-3 - Copy2 - Copy - Copy - Copy (2)     Description: d-3 - Copy2 - Copy - Copy - Copy (2)      Description: d-3 - Copy2 - Copy - Copy - Copy (2)     Description: d-3 - Copy2 - Copy - Copy - Copy (2)


Cao xạ        F

      Description: cao xa x - Copy - Copy - Copy     Description: cao xa x - Copy - Copy - Copy     Description: cao xa x - Copy - Copy     Description: cao xa x - Copy - Copy 


Tên lửa PK  L

            Description: tl                    Description: tlx 


Không quân K

      Description: d-6 - Copy      Description: d-6 - Copy     Description: Untitled-6      Description: Untitled-6     


Hải quân     H

      Description: d-1 - Copy - Copy       Description: d-1 - Copy - Copy     Description: d-1 - Copy      Description: d-1 - Copy 


Sở chỉ huy   S

      Description: SCH d - Copy - Copy      Description: SCH d - Copy - Copy      Description: SCH x - Copy     Description: d-1 - Copy 



Figure 4. Piece setup


There are three play rules:

1. Basic rules:

The two players setup piece openly and similarly as the said rules (shown in the Figure 4 above).

2. Advanced rules: (after mastering the basic rules)

The two players setup piece on their own tactic freely and secretly, not necessary to follow the basic rules (can use a carton piece to hide the tactic). When a game starts, they unhide the setup and find out the best tactic basing on actual condition to conquer the tactic of the opponent. 

3. Human Commander Chess rules

V. Rules:

1. Attack and capture

- Military civil engineer, infantry, anti-aircraft cannon, long-hair militiawoman (“long hair”) move forward, back, cross freely along VA and HA of the chessboard segment by segment and capture straight. These pieces also can stand still and capture an opponent’s piece at sea by a leap-over. Particularly, “long hair” moves and captures crossly segment by segment.

- Tank moves and captures straight and across along the HA from one to two segments. For attacking an opponent’s piece at sea, tank can stand still to capture the object and it is not necessary to occupy the position of captured piece. 

- In addition to move and capture straight vertically and horizontally, a ground artillery can move and capture cross by 450 diagonal line from one to three segments as well as can leap over and capture blockages.(Like the way a bishop in Chinese Chess can move freely, not necessary to stay at its front) ... Cannon can stand still to shoot and capture opponent’s pieces at sea in the range from one to three segments.  When artillery captures an opponent’s piece on the sea, it is necessary to occupy the position of captured piece.  

- Missile can’t move and capture opponent’s piece on the ground and piece in the sky along fire belt in a radius of two-axis stage of a cross segment of 450.

- Aircraft move and capture straight, cross diagonal line of 450 from one to four segments. Aircraft can fly cross the blockage and stop to capture an opponent’s piece then choose to occupy the position of captured piece or fly back to initial position at the airport to avoid being captured. An aircraft capture another opponent’s aircraft, it is necessary to occupy the position of captured piece. An aircraft inadvertently flying through the opponent’s aircraft-fire belt and anti-aircraft missile will be shot. If an aircraft targets at destroying the opponent’s aircraft or anti-aircraft missile, both will be destroyed, that is one exchange one.

- Warship is equipped with anti-aircraft cannon, artillery and anti-ship missile. Anti-aircraft cannon move, attack and capture as the general rules. When organizing a full power fighting, an anti-aircraft cannon at warship can stand still to shoot and capture object in mainland as play rule for a cannon in mainland. If a cannon at warship leap over mainland and capture an opponent’s piece along the coast, it is necessary to occupy the position of captured piece.  Anti-ship missile move straight, capture straight and cross from one to four segments on the sea and along the coast. Object of anti-ship missile is warship only. When an anti-ship missile captures a warship, it is necessary to occupy the position of captured piece.  Warship can overcome reef-base riverbed and move into the deep-water river segment.

- Commander moves freely along VA and HA provided that it doesn’t entangle blockage but it can’t move cross. A commander can move and capture an opponent’s piece by one segment only.



Figure 5. Move and Capture

2. River crossing rules

- River has two reef-base segments (see Figure 2), all pieces can pass.

- Besides the two reef-based segments, the rest of the river is the deep water segment; tanks, infantries, “long hair”, commanders and military civil engineers can pass. Heavy vehicles such as anti-aircraft cannon, artillery and anti-aircraft missile have to wait for the military civil engineer to build bridge to cross the river. However, these heavy vehicles can pass the river without any bridges when eating an opponent’s piece at the other side of the river. A heavy vehicle accidentally maneuver through the deep water without the purpose of eating an opponent’s piece at the other side of the river, this move is considered against the rule, as a result, the piece has to move back and the second player will take turns.

3. Fortification rules

- On a chessboard, each front has two fortifications (bunker shape). They form the headquarters of the commander.

- Fortifications can’t move or capture an opponent’s piece.

- Military civil engineer, tanks, artillery, aircraft ... can break the fortification to kill opponent’s commander. Therefore, the commanders should hide in the fortification if necessary.

4. Restricted area in the sky

- Anti-aircraft cannon can create a restricted area in a circle shape with radius equal to one line. (Small circle as shown in Figure 6).

- Anti-aircraft missile can create a restricted area in a circle shape with radius equal to two lines (big circle). At diagonal angle of 450, fire range is effective within one line range only.

- Large anti-aircraft fire range belongs to anti-aircraft missile.

- Small anti-aircraft fire range belongs to mainland’s and warship’s anti-aircraft cannon. If an aircraft wants to bombard targets deep inside the opponent’s headquarter, it has to focus on destroying anti-aircraft cannon and anti-aircraft missile. Goal number one is anti-aircraft missile. If an aircraft destroys anti-aircraft missile successfully, it can quickly bombard the opponent’s headquarters and other defense forces.

- An opponent’s restricted areas violated aircraft is burnt. An aircraft wants to move through the anti-aircraft fire net for promoting the strength of the air force, it is necessary to concentrate firepower and impulses of infantry, tank, artillery on penetrating and destroying the opponent’s anti-aircraft cannon and anti-aircraft missile. If an aircraft intends to bombard opponent’s anti-aircraft fire range and anti-aircraft missile, it sacrifices as one exchange one.


Figure 6. Restricted area in the sky

5. Rules for Commander

- Commander is not necessary to hold tight on the commanding fortification.

- Commander is allowed to move around, even move to the opposite front to direct its soldiers and checkmate the opponent’s commander.  

- Commander can’t be face to face with the opponent’s commander. It will be captured by the opponent’s commander if reveal.  

- Commander moves freely along VA and HA provided that it doesn’t entangle blockage. A commander can move and capture an opponent’s piece by one segment only.

- In urgent case the Commander can go straight into the fortification.

6. Heroic piece rule

Any piece gains checkmate the opponent’s commander can be brevetted as heroic piece. This heroic piece will get added bonus on moving segment, capturing and score calculating (10 points more). For example, infantry often moves and captures by one segment only but after being brevetted as heroic it can move and capture from one to two segments. Normally, tank move and capture from one or two segments but a heroic tank can move and capture up to three segments. ... Certainly, a heroic piece can move cross diagonal line of 450 .A heroic aircraft will become a stealth aircraft; it can shoot anti-aircraft cannon and anti-aircraft missile without crashing.

For defensing party, the last piece that protects its commander can enjoy the heroic regulation also; therefore, the two players should be well aware of this rule.

7. Score rules

If play basing on score rule, the basis for score calculation as follows:

Military civil engineer, infantry, anti-aircraft cannon, long hair militiawoman: 10 points.

Tanks, anti-aircraft missile: 20 points.

Artillery: 30 points. Aircraft: 40 points.

Warship equipped with missile, anti-aircraft cannon and artillery can get bonus score of triple weapons: anti-aircraft cannon 10 points + artillery 30 points + anti-warship missile 40 points = 80 points.

VI. How to record moving tactic when playing online

Sometimes, it is necessary to take note moving tactic of the two players to study the excellent tactics or find out the reason for loss.

A secretary can provide evidences to support the referee by taking note the moving process of the two players from the beginning to the end. A player can remember and write down the ecstatic moving tactics to find tactics for the following game.

Some simple, easy to remember symbols:

- Capture:                @                              

- Stand still and capture      @  K…@... (Blue air force stands still and capture like bombarding)

                                   @ H…@...(Red Navy stands still and shoots towards mainland)

- Aircraft catch fire    @” (bold red) for example: K9,8@”P5,8 (K9, 8 intends to capture P5, 8 but crash into a fire range)

- Move                    _    (long dash underline)

- Check                   >

         - Checkmate               ^  (Not only checkmate the commander, but also sea battle and sky battle....)

- One exchange one  > <

- Lose                       !!

- Heroic piece brevetting       H    K    B  (bold symbol)

- Excellent moving tactic         +   - Ecstatically excellent moving tactic  ++

- Bad moving tactic    -     - Too bad moving tactic    --

- Draw                        =

- Wondering moving tactic         ?

- Break rule moving             $

VII. End of the game

A.              A game may start with time control of 10 or 15 minutes, even in the break the game ends when the specified time expires. Win or lose bases on points calculation as the said rules. Win or lose often is specified after 3 or 5 games basing on points calculation if win or lose is not clear for each game. Each game often takes 10 to 15 minutes.

B.              Play the game without time control:

- Win or lose is specified by the point basing on number of captured pieces of each player.

- The game ends when the sky battle ends with 2 aircrafts of one player are captured, as a result, this player can’t continue any sky battle.

- The game ends when the sea battle ends with 2 warships of one player are captured, as a result, this player can’t continue any sea battle.

- The game ends when the local battle ends, one player lose all tanks, infantries, artilleries as a result, this player can’t continue fighting.

- The game ends when one commander is captured or checkmated or lost all soldiers.

The winner of sea battle, sky battle and ground battle besides gaining point basing on captured pieces will get bonus of 100 points more. Absolute winner who can capture opponent’s commander besides gaining point basing on captured pieces will get bonus of 200 points more. The winner is named Supper Commander.

A Commander Chess player exercises to find out efficient playing tactic in order to win with less captured pieces. Over time, the player can summarize his own moving characteristics and tactic.

Commander Chess is freely at piece setup in order to optimize the ingeniousness, creativity, determination, and forces organizing skill.

Once mastering the game, the player starts advanced level. The setup tactic of the two players are hidden and revealed when starting the game only; therefore, the players have to quickly tackle any situations.