Tóm tắt luật chơi Cờ tư lệnh Anh (Commander chess)

Submitted by haiduong on Sat, 07/06/2013 - 21:09





                   Movement and Capturing





Can move to every spot through horizontal, vertical and diagonal direction without any pieces on the way

Can enter the headquarter.

Capturing 1 step

100 points or the game is finish



Horizontal and vertical direction

1 step

10 points



Horizontal and vertical direction

1 to 2 steps

20 points



Horizontal and vertical and diagonal direction

1 step

10 points



Horizontal and vertical direction

A prohibited airspace with a radius of one point horizontally

Aircraft which reaches the radius will burn immediately

1 step

10 points



Horizontal, vertical and diagonal direction able to capture piece across another single piece of either color but replace the piece was captured

1 to 3 steps

30 points

Anti-aircraft gun


Horizontal and vertical direction

1 step

10 points



Horizontal, vertical and diagonal directioncreates a prohibited airspace with a radius of two points horizontally, which means one point diagonally

Horizontal and vertical: 1 to 2 steps

Diagonal: 1 step

20 points



Horizontal, vertical and diagonal direction

Air force will burn when reach the prohibited airspace of anti-aircraft gun or rocket.

Can sacrifice itself to destroy anti-aircraft gun or rocket

Can capture the piece then stay at that spot or return to base

1to 4 steps

40 points



On the ship there are artillery, anti-aircraft gun.

Can capture horizontally, vertically and diagonally like artillery

Creates a prohibited airspace with a radius of one point horizontally

On land:1 to 3  steps

On sea: 4 steps

80 points



Cannot move or capture any other pieces, used to protect the commander



10 points



Rule for Hero piece

Any pieces that checked the commander one time or more turn to a hero piece. Hero pieces have their range of fire and movement increased by 1 step. They can capture diagonally. Also when air force became a hero piece, it turned to invisible plane and can fly across the prohibited airspace.


   Rule for crossing river

There are two shallow parts that any pieces can cross.

For the other places, only Infantry, Militia, Commander, Engineer can cross. If other land vehicles/pieces wish to cross those parts, they must follow an Engineer who has built a bridge (created once Engineer has crossed the river), with an exception of capturing. Any piece can cross at any part of the river when capturing opponent’s piece at the other side of the river


Rule for capturing without moving to the piece spot:

There are some exceptions.

When navy captured a piece in land they can stay where they are.

When any pieces captured navy they also can stay where they are.


Rule of terrific speed operation

3 types of pieces: commander, infantries and militias when needs to open a new attack, can join ( the pieces will sit on top) the tanks, engineers, the air force and the battleships. Battleships turn to Carrier.

When infantries want to join the tanks, air force or the tanks come and pick up the infantries, you will have to pass one turn. This rule also apply when air force lands on the battleship (carrier). When it is the tanks, the air force and the battleship's (which contains other pieces on it) turn, then the pieces which inside the tanks, the air force and the battle ships can move or capture separately. It means in one turn you can capture many pieces. Example, if you have a Carrier with 1 tank and 1 militia on it, you can capture a piece in the tank's turn and the militia's turn.

More specific about the battleships. Battleships have anti-ship missiles and gunboat so it can capture 2 pieces in a turn, if the enemies are on sea and land which are in the range of captured. When the tanks, air force and battleships that have other pieces on it is shot down, the points is based on the total points of every pieces on it and itself.


End of the battle:

There are 3 ends :

When 2 navies were destroyed ( bonus: 100 points)

When 2 air forces were destroyed, so the air battle is over.

When 2 infantries, 2 tanks, 2 artilleries were destroyed, so the land battle is over


When the commander was captured, no more orders can give out. ( bonus: 200 points)