Documental guide for Vietnamese Chess Commander (VCC) online through Vassal

Submitted by haiduong on Fri, 03/16/2018 - 14:43

Documental guide for Vietnamese Chess Commander (VCC) online through Vassal gaming platform

                         Founder VCC: Nguyễn Quí Hải

                          Programmer: Mark Platts-Gooch UK

1.       Documents for researching game rules: VCC rule docs have been translated into 5 commonly used languages in following links:

a.       English:

                                                              i.      VCC new version,

                                                            ii.       VCC rule summary (original)

                                                          iii.      Multiple choice questions

b.      Deutsche: (link in heading)

c.       Français: (link in heading)

d.      Pусский: (link in heading)

e.      中文:  (link in heading)

2.       Online Videos


                                                              i.      How to play VCC

                                                            ii.      8th exercise in VCC: Terrific Speed Operation

3.       VCC rule updates for 2017 tournament:

-       How the game ends

A.        Standard battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game ends immediately when one side has lost either of the following:

o          2 Airforce

o          2 Navy

o          2 Infantry + 2 Tanks + 2 Artillery

o          Commander

After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points.  Winning by one of the strategy will be awarded 100 points.

B.        Sea battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost 2 Navy, even if Commander is captured. After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

C.        Air battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost 2 Airforce, even if Commander is captured. After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

D.        Surprise battle – maximum 15 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost the Commander.  After 15 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

E.         Full battle – maximum 30 minutes

The game only ends when one side has lost the Commander.  After 30 minutes, winner will be decided by points. Winning by strategy will be awarded 100 points.

F.         Advanced battle

Players can set up their pieces’ positions freely up to their own strategy. Play according to one of the battle style above.

4.       *important* VCC online has the situation where Combined Force (CF)of multiple divisions is in a single position.

-          Left click to view individuals in combined force


-          Double click on 1 to 3 pieces you want to select then move to projected capture point.

-          To escape combined force view, double left click on screen, and the CF is bordered with a straight thin square in black.


To maneuver CF, firstly cancel your click then double click on the CF , in which the square box turn bolder, to move the whole stack with cursor.